Featured Artists 2022

Felida Friends
This vibrant and caring small group within Clark County Quilters has been in existence for over twenty years. At first our meetings were at a fire station in the Felida area, so our group was called Felida Firehouse Friends. The group, then and now, has always felt strongly about charity, often designating a meeting for just charity projects. Recently we all made child quilts for Linus. Some make passage quilts, and we all make quilts for family and friends.
About ten years ago we had to leave the fire station because the station needed their room for training purposes. We moved to the Salmon Creek Methodist church on Highway 99. Since then, due to space limitations, we have been a closed group and restricted our number to twenty people.
Our group meets on Monday mornings and, typically, a visitor would find our group engaged in all kinds of projects including piecing, cutting, appliquéing, ironing and pinning quilts to be machine quilted.
Some people bring sewing machines, but many do hand work. Most of all, we share ideas, patterns,and tips with each other.
Once during each meeting, we share what is going on in our lives. In this way we enjoy and support each other, sometimes sharing serious medical issues affecting our lives and those of our loved ones and friends. We also share TV, books, movies, plays and concerts that we enjoy.
We are honored to be chosen to be the Featured Artist group for the coming October CCQ Quiltfest and hope many people will come to see our large variety of about one hundred quilts.
Untitled by Jane Walgren