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2025 Special Exhibits

Mod Quilt Squad

The logo of the Mod Quilt Squad features an outline of the state of Washington with a green square, red circle and blue triange.

CCQ started a modern quilt group in July 2018. We have a roster of almost 50 quilters. We are meeting monthly and have a topic/program each month.


This exhibit includes our Block of the Month Challenge, which began in January of 2021. Members selected a theme color for each month.


“Modern quilts are primarily functional and inspired by modern design. Modern quilters work in different styles and define modern quilting in different ways, but several characteristics often appear which may help identify a modern quilt. These include, but are not limited to: the use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work. "Modern traditionalism" or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting.” Definition provided by Modern Quilt Guild with 14,000 members in 39 countries.


This is an open group and all are welcome.


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If I Could Quilt with Water by Kathleen Bovée 

Storytelling is a tradition in all cultures, first as oral and pictorial. This group was formed because the artists wanted to continue that tradition by using quilts to present visual stories.





First Time Exhibitors

This quilt features red and white diagonal zig zag stripes in the bottom right corner and white stars atop a blue background in the top left.

This is a member sponsored category that will recognize any quilter who has never entered a quilt in ANY show before. Quilts in this category must be traditionally pieced or appliquéd; it does not include fusible, raw edge, paper pieced or Art quilts. Only one entry per person. No size requirements.  


"Star Spangled" made by Vicki Mikesh 

2020 winner 

Thread Tales

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Nuggets by Terry Knott

Thread Tales is a group of quilters who read four books each year. They then create quilts inspired by the books. Discussion and activities centered around the books can be videos, food, field trips, in addition to the making of a representational quilt.

The Thread Tales exhibit this year will include quilts inspired by:






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©2024 by Quiltfest Northwest. 
Clark County Quilters is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization located in Vancouver, WA.

Website designed by Birch Tree Creative

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