2022 CCQ Guild Challenges
Guild Challenge

The quilt must be started after receipt of the June 2022 CCQ Newsletter.
For consistency and ease of display, challenge quilts need to measure 24" on each side.
There must be a recognizable heart somewhere on the quilt top, and the quilt must be quilted.
All work on this quilt must be done by the CCQ member entering this challenge.
You will need to turn in a "Special Exhibit" quilt show registration form by the August 11, 2022 deadline.
There is no entry fee for Challenge Quilts.
Ribbons and monetary prizes will be awarded to the winners.
Quilt Block Contest

Long-time guild members are familiar with the CCQ quilt show block contest: blocks are made according to guidelines, go up for voting by our guests at the show, and then become the Opportunity Quilt two years later.
Well, our “two years later” quilt will be a beautiful Judy Niemeyer / Quiltworx project led by Carol Hattan. Consequently, no block contest is necessary this year. NO BLOCK CONTEST?? That would leave a big hole in our show! We WILL have a block contest this year and the blocks will all go to Comfort Quilts at the end of the quilt show. Here are the parameters:
My Plaid Garden
• The theme is garden: birds, flowers, butterflies, bees. Maybe there’s a dog or cat or mouse in your garden. Or a tea party or picnic.
• You must include a plaid fabric somewhere in your block
• The block will finish at 9” - meaning your block will measure 9-1/2” square when you turn it in
• Please use an off-white or sky-blue for background
• Your Plaid Garden block can be pieced, appliqued, or embroidered. Should you use a fusible applique method, all raw edges must be stitched down
• No embellishments please
• Put your name on the back (a piece of paper safety-pinned)
• Your block can be mailed to me, given to me in person, or, deadline - turned in at the quilt show
• Prize money is given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners
• Obey copyright laws!
• Questions - Contact Linda Heglin
2022 Opportunity Quilt
Tickets: $5 each
Proceeds benefit Women of Wonder.
Woman of Wonder offers a chance for you to invest in the education of Washington women who desire to design, code, engineer, advance clean energy, develop better farming and winery techniques, sustain natural resources such as forestry, work in medicine, or medical research.
Stop by and buy your tickets at Quiltfest NW.
Drawing on Saturday, October 22 at 3:30 PM at Quiltfest NW!