All vendors participating in our 2025 show will be listed on the website. There is no additional cost to you for this advertising. However, we are going to have a Quilt Show Program printed again this year, to be handed out to the attendees of the show, and we want to offer you an opportunity to advertise in this publication. Your .jpeg or .pdf ad must be sent to Karmen Ray no later than January 31, 2025.
Fees: Fees are due by Friday, January 31, 2025. All monies are refundable until January 31, 2025 minus a $50 refund fee. After January 31, 2025 all monies are non-refundable. Price includes pipe and drapes on 3 sides of the booth, and one chair. Vendors must provide any tables needed.
Vendors must contact Hollywood Lights to arrange for electrical needs.
Hollywood Lights, 5251 SE McLoughlin Blvd, Portland, OR 97202 503-232-9001
All extension cord and appliance cords must be grounded. All electrical appliances must be UL approved. Iron and sewing machine vendors may need a separate drop to cover power usage.
Indemnification and Release:
Vendors shall be liable for and pay all costs and expenses arising from any and all injury, damage or loss of any kind, to any person or property that may arise from Vendor rental and occupation of sales space at the event. By signing this contract, the Vendor hereby expressly releases the Clark County Quilters Guild and Quiltfest Northwest Show, its planning committee and the Clark County Event Center from any and all liability for any injury, damage or loss of any person or property that may arise from Vendor’s rental and occupation of exhibit space at the event. Vendor shall at its own expense obtain all necessary insurance coverage to enable it to meet these foregoing obligations.
Contract Acceptance:
I, the duly authorized representative of the undersigned organization, agree to the rules and regulations associated with my involvement as a Vendor.
Print Ready Advertisement: Due no later than January 31, 2025 to Co-chair Karmen Ray
Raffle Basket Donation: Please donate an item with a minimum value $15 to our Vendor Basket Raffle include an attached business card. Donations will be collected either Wednesday during set-up or Thursday before the show opens. Vendors will be given tickets to give to their customers. One winner will be drawn at the end of each of the three days.
Setup: Wednesday, March 12, 11:00am – 7:00pm
Show Hours: Thursday, March 13, 10:00am – 4:00pm
Friday, March 14, 10:00am – 4:00pm
Saturday, March 15, 10:00am – 4:00pm
For further Vendor information, please contact:
Asst. Co-chair Jackie Imel 360-907-2633
Thanks for your application!